Try the political quiz

31 Replies

 @9FLTJD8 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

If every human must have a job to earn money, than every human should be given the same opportunity.

 @9BTG8TYGreen from Ohio commented…1yr1Y

 @98XMT6F from California agreed…1yr1Y

Sometimes people are have prejudices about race, sex, gender, and sexuality, and they even should be allowed to say what they believe. However, people must only be judged (for hiring, schools, law, etc.) on their merits, so we have laws to prevent race, sex, gender, and sexuality from being used in these cases. People also have prejudices about gender identity, and it too should not be used to judge people, so it should be added to anti-discrimination laws.


No, it should not be added to discrimination laws because it does not impeade on someone's freedoms.

 @9FBKKLT from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

It does impeade on their freedom... It's their right to identify how they want and if that was taken away then this isn't really the land of the free since we're restricting things.

 @9G94M3Y from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I think that everyone's gender identity is their choice. It does not matter what age or their mental history they should get to choose what they identify as, and everyone should respect that no matter what.

 @9G92MQQ from South Dakota agreed…8mos8MO

Gender Identity is an expression of self, not biological sex. And even then, there are actually 3 biological sexes (Female, Male, Intersex). We should address it because gender-affirming care decreases suicide rates marginally. We have a cure for lots of depressed, suicidal people and they want to withhold it. That's just a recipe for disaster. It's complete bull****. Gender is an identity spectrum, and sometimes people don't feel like they're the gender they were assigned at birth. You can be male, female, or anything in between - as long as you're comfortable, it shouldn't matter to anyone else what you identify as. All of these statements are true.


Majority of people who go through with having a different Gender Identity are 9/10 much more happier with themselves than they were way before they changed their identity. Removal of the right for people to change their Gender Identity will only make them much more upset and slip into a deeper depression than before, leading them to become suicidal in the end and things will spiral downwards. Basically it's just a whole, Gender identity is fine because these people aren't hurting anyone for being who they are.

 @9F8NYKW from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

There are only two Sex/Genders Male and Female, and you're either a male or a female. I really don't care you feel if you THINK you were born in the wrong body. God beautifully and wonderfully made you the way you are. Doing something to obscure that is blasphemy.

 @9F7XZ5X from Michigan agreed…9mos9MO

99.9% of people who transition don't regret it, and of those who do, they state they haven't had support.

@PartisanPolarChoughfrom Utah requested a reference…9mos9MO

Please provide a reference for:

99.9% of people who transition don't regret it

Can you please provide a source for this?

 @9FBCPLP from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

No, it should not be added to discrimination laws because it does not impeade on someone's freedoms.

 @9FBCRF2 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Yes, it should be added to discrimination laws to stop lawmakers on the state level from making choices about other peoples bodies that they have no right or perspective on making.

 @9KVB3MS from California agreed…3mos3MO

There shouldn't be any prejudice towards a person for any reason, they should be given equal opportunity.

 @9JQPDTQ from California agreed…4mos4MO

Gender is something people have discriminated even before gender identity was on the actual "radar" so to speak. Women had to fight for their rights just to have any say at all. SO why should we start discriminating those who are human just like us. man, woman, nonbinary, anything in-between--We are all people.

 @9J2BHJ9 from Iowa agreed…5mos5MO

Let's say you were going through the situation of somebody contemplating your gender, would you want to be told you're wrong because of how you feel?

 @9HPP9YR  from California agreed…5mos5MO

In a doctor's office. They have to know what gender you are to give you the right treatment and medicine.

 @9H4Z6VH from New York agreed…6mos6MO

You shouldn’t discriminate against people based on their gender identity (something that they can’t control).

 @9FVMBD9 from Guam disagreed…8mos8MO

From clear facts that surround us all, God is real and one must decide who He is. Christianity looks to God's word for instruction, and in the Bible it is said that God gives us our identity, and our gender is part of that. God made people the way they are for a reason, but sin has messed up our understanding of that. Your gender was given to you by God, which is something everyone should respect and acknowledge.

 @9FDYGFB from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

I think gender really doesn't have anything to do with the rights or quality of life in America that you should have.

 @9F7QLCFSocialist from North Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

The denial of many transgender and genderfluid Americans' rights is relentless. Mass shootings, unfair job opportunities, and societal predjustice all haunt the lives of millions daily in modern America.

 @9G93JYZDemocrat from California agreed…8mos8MO

I've seen videos were little boys stat dressing up as girls because thats what they want.As stated everyones brain is different.

 @9F8N3L9 from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

i don't think it should be forced upon people just because you want to be called something else, if you don't want people to force their opinions on you, you shouldn't force your opinion

 @9F7VGS3Progressive from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Everybody who is a person should have equal rights. We are all human and have a way, no matter how small, to influence the world and the country.

 @9F7V4MB from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

I'm on the genderqueer spectrum and most jobs should not take your gender into consideration when hiring you.

 @9F6FQYFLibertarian from Kansas disagreed…9mos9MO

Someone's personal beliefs of their own identity shouldn't be able to interfere with another's religious freedoms.

 @9H2RJTR from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Transition success:,overall%20well%2Dbeing%20of%20transgender

The damage of conversion therapy:

 @9F7HS65 from Maryland agreed…9mos9MO

Gender Identity shouldn't matter to anyone except the person in question. Most arguments about how it impacts someone else boil down to either "What if they do something illegal" for which the answer is (obviously) the same that that happens to anyone else who does that same illegal thing. Or it comes to "I don't understand it and that lack of understanding makes me uncomfortable" in which case, it's a matter of educating yourself.

 @9GT6KTB from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Sources -

 @9F7G2BR from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Adding gender identity to anti-discrimination laws criminalizes language necessary to debate the validity of gender identity


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