Try the political quiz

276 Replies


How would your lifestyle change if all media outlets became local-focused, reducing international perspectives?

 @9JL38S2Libertarian from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO

Significantly, I believe that it is important to understand the world around you, and decreasing international perspectives greatly curtails that

 @9JNMTPN from Texas agreed…4mos4MO

It is important to understand what is happening all around the world and restricting access to that information would be a terrible plan.

 @9JL2KYY from Minnesota answered…4mos4MO

Probably somewhat. I would want to see everyone's perspectives, though.

 @9JLHXXH  from Maryland agreed…4mos4MO

Local minded makes me feel a little close minded. International perspectives makes me feel more open minded and provides more cognitive thinking

 @9JL2YNM from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO

i would reduce media consumption and pay attention to whats going on around me

 @9JQW58N from Pennsylvania disagreed…4mos4MO

I feel it is important to see the effects of different policies in different parts of hte country to best determine what I would like to see a politician do for me locally.

 @9JL2RYN from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I would use media less often and focus on whats happening in the area only

 @9JPH9VXPeace and Freedom from California agreed…4mos4MO

I wouldnt like that to begin with. But if I am forced to, yeah I would only use it for local knowledge


How would you describe the impact of global entertainment on your personal tastes and cultural values?

 @9L378FT from Texas answered…3mos3MO

They impacted all lot that we per serve new things from other places.


National media has the power to determine a foreign nation's image outside of a biased education. Yes, yes I could.

 @9L4S6CS from Washington agreed…3mos3MO

Understanding and sympathizing with people from other places is important to understanding ourselves and our place within the world

 @9L36N2CWomen’s Equality from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I think I would like to see some more Latino influence and stance instead of people discriminating against us.

 @9L36C2Q from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

It increases global inequality, increased corruption, loss of jobs and environmental degradation, etc.


Would you be willing to limit your music playlist to artists from your country to preserve national musical heritage?

 @9JGSZ4Y from Mississippi answered…5mos5MO

No, music is my therapy. It helps me cope with life.

 @9JJ2VK8 from Missouri disagreed…4mos4MO

I listen to all sorts of music to help me focus on things. That's silly to only listen to American artists to "preserve national musical heritage". That's just super silly and stupid.


no i wouldnt music is how you feel not everyone else.

 @cmass329  from Connecticut agreed…4mos4MO

The United States itself is a cultural melting pot which includes music from all over the world. It would make no sense to limit the music you listen to only within the nation, because the majority of the nation's music comes from other countries. Besides, music is a form of expression that should be shared and explored in order to have a broad mind and be open to learning more about yourself and others.

 @9JGT7TW from Florida answered…5mos5MO


Would you prefer locally sourced entertainment options over global streaming services, and why?

 @9J33VCV from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

Locally sourced entertainment because you can get news sources that you want to see

 @9J32XN4 from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

No, I think the availability of global sized services allows for more to be learned about the world.

 @9J32NRX from Florida answered…5mos5MO

No, because global entertainment educates us the most and allows us to experience more things.


What are the main advantages and disadvantages you see in having more locally owned and operated media outlets?

 @9K9LSC9Libertarian from Texas answered…4mos4MO

In terms of advantages, it would lead to more individualism and less group think. Disadvantages would include less unity as a whole community. We are very divided.

 @9K9KDBM from Texas answered…4mos4MO

some advantages are cost savings, international recruitment, and then spreading of risk.

 @9K9JBMSRepublican from Florida answered…4mos4MO

pull up in da ,onste automobbuile gangasta with a bad ****** that come from sri lanka!!!1!!111!!


Does the thought of living in a homogenized global culture excite you or make you long for distinct cultural identities?

 @9HLBBCCLibertarian from Washington answered…6mos6MO

I think that Globalism is good in theory, but in practice for the modern day does follow the current movement for diversity.

 @9HLVZ63 from California answered…6mos6MO

Having one global culture is evil and genocide to all the diverse cultures of the world. What makes the world so special is all the different countries that believe in different things and live different ways of life. I would hate to see that go away because the world would become boring.


How do you think your social interactions would change if you could only communicate with those geographically close to you?

 @9J28L33  from California answered…5mos5MO

I would become more narrow minded and more likely to view people in other areas as less

 @9J28J3CRepublican from South Dakota answered…5mos5MO


If your community's traditional events were replaced by globalized festivals, what local aspects would you miss most?

 @9J298YWConstitution from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

Doing traditional things for marching band like during memorial day where we play the national anthem.

 @9J2972J from Illinois answered…5mos5MO


Do you believe participating in international sports events benefits your national identity or dilutes it?

 @9HLV599 from Oregon answered…6mos6MO

 @9HLV49S from South Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I would say that it both helps and hurts national identity. I like the the US is helping a country such as Israel, but the lack of more support proves that we are hesitant and don't want war.


If your favorite local spot was replaced by an international chain, what emotions would that evoke?

 @9HMKJBK from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

I would be angry and upset but I don't know if I'm the kind of person to get so upset to try and make a change about it

 @9HMKFBX from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO

I would feel demeaned and small, overwhelmed with the growing feeling that super corporations are discreetly governing the world as we know it, slowing cultivating their power.


Have you ever felt that international trends in fashion and lifestyle pressure you to conform, and how do you respond?

 @9J28RTL from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

making it easier for consumers to access fashion from around the world.

 @9J28C9M from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO


How does the presence of international students in your school enhance or dilute your cultural experience?

 @88YT2FZ  from California answered…4mos4MO

It provides insights into how other cultures think, act, and respond to have international students in classes here.

 @9JSDKJQ from Florida answered…4mos4MO

it makes it richer, and make us more tolerant to other ideas and beliefs


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