Try the political quiz

240 Replies


If all necessities were provided, what do you think would motivate people to work and innovate?

 @9L6WCDJ  from Texas answered…3mos3MO

People would be more motivated to work and innovate if they first gained easier access to education to work in the fields they actually desire, rather than the path society inherently leads them through - which would be more productive.

 @9L8MHYH from Alabama agreed…2mos2MO

Sometimes people do not have the funds to go through college for the career they want to pursue, which leads them to a minimum wage job, or a job that isn't pleasing for them, making them dread working the job.

 @9L6WCDJ  from Texas agreed…2mos2MO

I agree - financial aid and scholarships are a great resource that lower-class citizens should be made more aware of.

 @9L6WBPMDemocrat from Texas answered…3mos3MO

If everyone stops working, everything will start breaking down.

 @9L8CPY2 from Connecticut disagreed…2mos2MO

People have actually been shown to want still to work even in the presence of a UBI, and in this scenario, people can find something they are passionate about.

 @9L6W9FHDemocrat from Texas answered…3mos3MO

 @9L6X24X  from Utah answered…3mos3MO

No, I don't. People need ownership of what they do and that in itself is an incentive. Capitalism incentivizes discovery, invention, and hard work. I don't know how they function on Star Trek, but their cashless, classless society is fictional.


How would your daily choices be impacted if products were made to last rather than be replaced?

 @9HZ6GNN from California answered…5mos5MO

I think we wouldn't waste as much products and save alot of profit.

 @9J3MRMV from Hawaii agreed…5mos5MO

An increase in quality would mean an increase in prices. An increase in prices provides a natural incentive for people to take care of their possessions and replace them less often.

 @9J2GZMC from California agreed…5mos5MO

it would make the most sense to have things that last because when we have reliable things that will work for a long time we wont need to get new ones as often making it easier to not waste

 @9HZ8PQZ from Texas answered…5mos5MO

It would be way better, we wouldn't have to spend money as much, we can direct it to other stuff.

 @9J2CBVQ from Florida agreed…5mos5MO

If we didn't have to spend so much money on things tat could last as long as they could we could spend on things we need that might not have enough money for.

 @9HZ634N from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

I would definitely have more money because I wouldn't have to be replacing everything.

 @9HZ6WFL from California answered…5mos5MO

My daily choices would be impacted in a negative way. I would no longer be careful of the items that I would be using because they were made to last. Also. it would make me go outside less, to buy things, it would be able to save me money as well.


What if our sense of community became stronger than our desire for individual financial success; how would daily life change?

 @9L3NSXC from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

then America would have Lower Crime rates, We Would be much safer, And we would Focus on much more Important things

 @9L3NS65 from New York answered…3mos3MO

People would be able to pursue passions over profit and work towards a sustainable and supportive community rather than financial success.

 @9L3NQRSfrom New York answered…3mos3MO

daily life wouldn't change too much, rather the mindset and goals of people would certainly change


How would it make you feel if success was measured by impact on others rather than personal wealth?

 @9KW5CM8Republican from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

Success should be based on one's own, personal definition; it is unique for every person and situation. In the terms of privatized businesses, success is based in terms of how much profit they can make. In my opinion, using the anti-capitalist definition of success cannot be used because every person and privatized business have the right to their own, unique usage and definition of success that best fits their personal beliefs.

 @9KWRMZNDemocrat from North Carolina agreed…3mos3MO

Anyone can make money- not everyone can make an impact. Impacts last forever, money's not important when you die.

 @9KTH4KP from California answered…3mos3MO

I think that wealth shouldn't be determinative of how important a person was.

 @9KTGZ55 from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

A shift towards measuring success by impact on others rather than personal wealth could be seen as a positive evolution towards a more socially focused and equitable society.


If you could create an economy based on sustainability and fairness, what would be your first step?

 @9HMK543 from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO

Increase tax rates on large corporations and wealthy individuals and reinvest in programs based on social mobility.

 @9HMK5XK from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO

 @9HMJZ6WDemocrat from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO

 @9HMKFBX from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO

Relocating funds of the extremely wealthy to social programs and free college through both tax and budget reform.


What kind of changes would make you enthusiastic about participating in a local community project?

 @9HVFTCC from Missouri answered…5mos5MO

i do not know i dont think any changes wold make me more enthusiastic about anything


I despise capitalism, I believe the rich benefits off of the hard work of the hardworking poor, who 90% of the time aren’t compensated at a rate that is fair enough in comparison of the CEOs of these big corporations who take home hefty paychecks and give scraps to the workers.

It wouldn’t take much for me to participate in an anti capitalism community project.

 @9HVWL2K from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

I don't need any more motivation to help out. I think the rich ride off the poor in this world and it's gross.

 @9HVFWCHRepublican from Missouri answered…5mos5MO

I'm afraid I have to disagree with anti-capitalism because as American citizens you should be able to own whatever you want.


Can capitalism truly address social issues, or does it inherently aggravate inequality and injustice?

 @9H5BR66 from Pennsylvania answered…7mos7MO

I would not say that Anti-Capitalism can truly address social issues simply because the system is too deeply integrated into American society already. Though I agree completely that capitalism can push inequality and further environmental issues, it is inherently the most "fair" system we can live fruitfully under.

 @9H5C97RConstitution from Indiana answered…7mos7MO

Unabridged capitalism promotes prosperity and opportunities... Therefore it allows progress for the ones willing and capable.


if there's no incentive to get better, then nobody will want to get better.

 @9H5CCN3 from Missouri answered…7mos7MO

if they listened to the people and let them voice there opinions and expierence then it would be up to the citizens mainly


Do you think capitalism encourages innovation, or does it exploit the many for the benefits of the few?

 @9HCSN8Q from California answered…6mos6MO

In its current form, there are too many opportunities for exploiting the working class in favor of the rich. The government needs to introduce more regulations.


What aspects of your life would you prioritize if societal success wasn't measured by wealth?

 @9HV3C6J  from Alabama answered…5mos5MO

If we magically didn't need money, and a more capitalist economy is shown to work out the best for any country (One example: America), I would travel and live in nature or live in simplicity. I would build a home, find a place to build off of, garden, read, paint, and grow a family. I would take time to enjoy my life. There is always still a chance to have this, or even if I end up not having all this, I can still be happy, with or without the money.

 @9HTW9KW from Iowa answered…5mos5MO

Actually taking time to enjoy nature and appreciate the wonderful preservation of national parks


In what ways do you believe society unfairly rewards or punishes people based on their economic status?

 @9HH6XWJ from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

if you are able to present yourself in a clean respectable manner, you are able to use that as a bias for you when networking

 @9HH6WBY from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I believe that we need to do what is right and fix of what is wrong about this.


What would our cities look like if public spaces were valued more than shopping malls?


What ethical dilemmas have you faced when making purchases, and how did you resolve them?


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