Try the political quiz

286 Replies


What does 'compromise' mean to you in the context of building a society that works for everyone?

 @9L7GNKP from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

In the context of building a society that works for everyone, compromise to me, means finding the middle ground or a solution that takes into account the needs and perspectives of various groups within society. It is all about fostering inclusivity, understanding, and collaboration to create a more equitable and sustainable society for all its members.

 @9L7GJ6C from Arkansas answered…2mos2MO

Making sure to find a middle ground where all parties get what they want.

 @9L7GHQJ from Kentucky answered…2mos2MO

I think it means everyone works together and makes decisions that will better benefit everyone instead of just themselves

 @9L7GBHR from Arkansas answered…2mos2MO

Compromise should allow for a policy that most- if not all can follow. I believe it should take the best of each ideology and mash together to make an optimal policy through discussion and democracy.


Discuss a historical figure you admire for their ability to bring together diverse viewpoints for a common goal.

 @9KSBW8QGreen from Arkansas answered…3mos3MO

Third Ways' ideology is certainly useful to have in some situations but cannot be used for all, or even most of the time.

 @9KSCQJS from California answered…3mos3MO

I would say all the people who had made a change in this country who ever decided to get up and try and make a change for this world to be how it is today.


MLK because he was a person who was respected and while still trying to convince other to be treated fairly which some people agreed while their always going be doubters


What do you think should be the main goal of a government: economic growth, social welfare, or a balance of both, and why?

 @9HM9DH4 from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I think a balance of both social welfare and economic growth, they both benefit the people.

 @9HM92DWRepublican from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

help the homeless communities, enforce a stand your ground law and rise minimum wage


How do you reconcile your desire for personal achievement with the needs of the less fortunate in your community?

 @9HL3MJDDemocrat from Kansas answered…6mos6MO

He is one of the best qb in the leuge everyone thinks just becaues you hav one bad or few bad games doesn not mean that you nare a bad qb your still great.

 @9HL37LPRepublican from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

I think if we turn back to Christ we will be able to get back on track and if you are a devote Christian you will be given desires to help the needy and then we will all build each other up.


What role does empathy play in your economic decisions, such as buying products or choosing services?

 @9HV2BYVDemocrat from Mississippi answered…5mos5MO

It’s somewhat important to me, depending on the severity of the conditions that require a product or service to be offered.


Does combining capitalism and socialism in a 'Third Way' respect personal freedom, or does it undermine it?

 @9HFB9PC from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

Combining capitalism and socialism in a third way undermines it because the third way has been advocated by it's proponents as a radical-centrist.

 @9HDLVZRRepublican from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I believe that it partially respects personal freedom while also protecting the economy to sustain limited personal freedom for the long run.


If healthcare and education were equally accessible to all, how would that influence your career aspirations or life choices?

 @9KCTCZP from New York answered…3mos3MO

I think it would make life much easier if everyone was well-educated and had access to affordable healthcare, but also paying the doctors, teachers, and other staff appropriately.

 @9KCT4STWomen’s Equality from Massachusetts answered…3mos3MO


Should the focus be more on equal opportunities or equal outcomes when striving for a balanced society?

 @9H372YK from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

Equal opportunity, not equal outcome. You work for what you get. Not everyone is the same but should be given the same opportunity. The outcome is determined by their work ethic.

 @9H36RDR from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO


Considering human nature, do you think people would work as hard if there was a safety net that provided for basic needs without work?

 @9H375WM from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

No, I don't think people would work as hard if there was a safety net because the reason people work hard today is to provided their basic needs for themselves and their families.

 @9H3B6W4 from Georgia answered…7mos7MO

If there is a safety net than i think you wouldn't have to work as hard but then some of the really important things in life wouldn't get done like it should and that could shelter them with the safety net.


Would you sacrifice personal luxuries for a society where healthcare and education are freely accessible to all?

 @9HH6WBY from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

You may have a third oppion or option that you think is right for all but it also depends on what happends.


How have your personal experiences with diversity influenced your opinion on blending different societal or economic concepts?

 @9KSQTFK from California answered…3mos3MO

I believe it's a good thing. It decensitizes us to new and different cultures. It's a good way to increase ones knowledge and understanding as well us getting to learn about new cultures and religions.

 @9KSQ3Y7 from California answered…3mos3MO

Diversity is a big thing I believe its good for us to be diverse in order to get to know other peoples culture and race


When have you found yourself caught between two opposing views, and what did you learn about the value of middle-ground solutions?

 @9KS8TXB from Minnesota answered…3mos3MO

yes I have and learned two opposing sides can both be right about one thing or two separate things.

 @9KS82WFPeace and Freedom from Michigan answered…3mos3MO


If a safety net existed for all, do you think this would affect your own motivation and future ambitions?

 @9JHJ4PL from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

 @9JB7F3LRepublican from Washington D.C. commented…5mos5MO


What compromises would you be willing to make in your lifestyle for a society that balances wealth creation with social welfare?

 @9HH5XLL from Maryland answered…6mos6MO


Reflecting on your future career, how do you envision contributing to an economy that values both profit and purpose?

 @9L9DJM6 from New York answered…2mos2MO

In my future career, I envision integrating profit-driven strategies with a strong commitment to social and environmental impact, ensuring that business objectives align with broader societal goals. By fostering innovative business models that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices, I aim to contribute to an economy where profit and purpose mutually reinforce each other.

 @9L9D4XV from Washington answered…2mos2MO

In higher education, Third Way has developed the Price-to-Earnings Premium (PEP), a new way of determining how long it takes students to recoup their educational costs at institutions across the United States. A series of resources introduces the Price-to-Earnings Premium concept and offers insight into how institutions across the US are delivering economic value to their students.


If you were to explain the benefits of a compromise to a younger sibling or friend, what real-life example would you use?

 @9KSBFT9 from New Jersey answered…3mos3MO

The multiple wars like the Civil War and World War I where both sides agreed to end the fight.

 @9KS9PSKRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

The multiple wars like the Civil War and World War I where both sides agreed to end the fight.


Can you share a personal story where a blend of opposing ideas led to a better outcome than a single ideology would have?


Imagine a classroom that equally rewards individual excellence and group collaboration; how would that affect your learning experience?


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