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What is your stance on abortion?

If the Father of the unborn child is willing and capable of caring for the child and wants to assume…

 @8NYR63SDemocrat from Florida disagreed…4yrs4Y

Top Disagreement

There is no evidence showing that the woman has her mental wellness affected from an abortion. Who is going to pay for all of that? The main reason why a woman gets an abortion is because she is financially unstable and cannot afford to care for a child. Sure, it would be nice for a man to have the chance, but the amount of stigma around pregnancy. A abortion is for a woman not a man. A woman's body is more affected by the outcome, and if the man wanted the child then most likely she would not be having an abortion. Plus, how are you suppose to enforce that? Is the clinic suppose to do…  Read more

 @8SXHBYT from Florida disagreed…3yrs3Y

The main reason why a woman gets an abortion is because she is financially unstable and cannot afford to care for a child.

I disagree with this, because why would a woman get pregnant, but be financially unstable. If this is the case, then why did she even decide to get pregnant if she could not afford to care for the child. Remember this was her choice to get pregnant.

 @93QNXYQ from Missouri commented…2yrs2Y

the idea that its okay to be having unprotected sex when you cannot financially afford a child is so irresponsible and so ignorant that the only answer is DONT HAVE SEX until you are mature enough to do it responsibly. Sex for young girls at ages under 18 shouldnt be considered a right. If a girl has not even finished high school when shes having sex then she needs to understand that she either is going to have a difficult time financially caring for a baby, or that shes going to have to put it up for adoption. She is ill prepared to make those chouces herself. Again...thats not a vood enough reason to have an abortion.

 @98C8N6P from Utah commented…1yr1Y

what about in the cases of rape or incest? What if the mother DID plan for a baby, but in early pregnancy is having complications? Your argument is just shaming women for having sex, nothing pro life about that.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

Just because you don't want to have a kid doesn't mean you can kill it. Rape is an awful thing, but the father's sin doesn't justify killing his child.