Try the political quiz

18 Replies

 @9FLYML4 from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

NO WAY they are not fully developed in the brain and they are not in the correct position for anyone to make that decision for them (including themselves) and they are too young to even be thinking about whether they want to have kids or not.

 @9GWKTHP from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

Gender transitioning is bad for the patients mentally and physically and dysphoria should be treated as a mental illness and not celebrated.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

And yet studies have shown that the regret rate for those who received gender-affirming procedures is one of the lowest of any medical service (only around 1%), and even among those few people, the overwhelming majority who felt regret reported it was due to transphobic social stigma/discrimination and/or dissatisfaction with their physical appearance. VERY few people who undergo gender-affirmation care actually regret receiving the care itself, and the most significant factor against it was the transphobia from the other people in the world, like you. Gender-affirming care has long been proven to be incredibly helpful for those seeking to receive it.

 @9GW2DD6 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

people should not be able to change genders you were born your gender for a reason you should no thave the right to change your gender.

 @9G57BJX from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

All treatment for anybody trying to transition gender should be destroyed and never talked about again.

 @9LDDFXR from Wyoming disagreed…2mos2MO

When people are wanting to change genders, that isn't really the main issue. They are already suffering from something bigger mentally, and making the gender transition usually makes things worse for the person.

 @9GW587M from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

No, it should not be allowed at all. Children should not be able to make these decisions. Doctors should be held criminally liable.

 @9FLY9S3 from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

The political agenda of a higher political force enforces their rule through the indoctrination of children with progressive ideology, funding it and regarding it as "their problem and not mine" is being part of the problem.

 @9FLLL9TRepublican from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

The transition of gender underage isn't a problem of whether it is funded by the government or not it is a problem of young kids that don't know what they want making lifelong changes that have unknown effects and can be very dangerous.

 @9FLKZWRIndependence from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

children do not have the mental capacity to know if they identify with a gender or not, you should be at least 18 before doing serious changes to one's body just like a tattoo

 @9FL9SGFLibertarian from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

At what age would you consider a child to be mature enough to make decisions that can alter their live’s? Do you support the use of drugs under the age if 18? What would you say about people who regret their transition?

 @9FL7JXCRepublican from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I do not believe that people under the age of 18 should be able to make such drastic, life altering decisions. All too often in adolescent years, a person believes they feel one way; relate to one gender over another; 18 years is the age considered to be that of adulthood. With that being said, I do not support the use of hormones, gender reassignments before that age.

 @9FL7D5Y from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Gender Transition is a big change in many lives. I have heard from people who have transitioned and wished they have never done it. It changes your body completely and it is irreversible. Children who are not fully developed should not be doing this. This could affect their mood, health and many other things.

  @random17345  from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Gender identity is not a physical or mental illness. Although your body may not fit your vision of what you should look like, sound like, or work like, as long as it is fully functioning, there's no physical incapabilities. You can choose to transition your gender, but that is more of a cosmetic choice, rather than something that should be covered by the government. It may make you feel better about yourself and identify better with your body, but that is what most cosmetic surgeries achieve as well.

 @9GLSP5YLibertarian  from VI disagreed…18hrs18H

Children can't consent this. It is not a question of public spending. It is a question of whether at 14 you are mature enough to make a legal decision about irreversibly damaging your testicles. Sex steroids can cause irreversible damage and it's not a decision that someone that young can make, a reasonable enough number of young trans people stop suffering from gender identity disorder once they reach adulthood to consider it just a money issue.


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