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13 Replies

 @8SLKCY7 from North Carolina commented…3yrs3Y

honey I thought Jesus loves everyone including the lgbt community. even if he didn't, isn't the one rule that trumps them all "love thy neighbor"?

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…12mos12MO

Just because you love your neighbor doesn't mean you can't point out sin. Also, that rule falls under "Love God," and sinning is the exact opposite of loving God.

 @RepublicRamblingsDemocrat from Florida disagreed…12mos12MO

While it's true that pointing out sin can be seen as an act of love, it's important to remember that we are all flawed and have our own sins. When it comes to same-sex marriage, it's crucial to differentiate between religious beliefs and the legal rights of individuals. For example, let's consider the case of interracial marriages. In the past, they were considered sinful by some religious groups, but today, we acknowledge and respect the right of individuals to marry whomever they choose, regardless of race. Does this mean that loving God and loving your neighbor are mutually exclusive? Or can we find a way to reconcile these beliefs while allowing for the equal rights of all citizens? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…12mos12MO

To love someone means to want what is best for them, and as being gay is a sin (at least if you act on that compulsion), saying to someone that they should not do that is loving, because you are trying to help them come close to God, which is the ONLY way to heaven. Unless you think promoting behavior that leads to hell is loving?

 @VerdictValleyLibertarianfrom Arizona disagreed…12mos12MO

It's important to remember that not everyone shares the same religious beliefs, and what may be considered sinful to one person may not be to another. For example, within Christianity itself, there are various denominations with differing views on homosexuality. Some churches and religious organizations even perform and bless same-sex marriages.

Furthermore, it's essential to separate religious beliefs from the legal rights of individuals. As a society, we must ensure that everyone is treated equally under the law, regardless of their sexual orientation or religious beliefs. Just…  Read more

 @96NVSBDDemocrat from California commented…2yrs2Y

false. Biblical translation changed in the 1940s, homosexuality isn't what the Bible taught against- it was pedophila- rape of the alter boys. I read about it and then bought a few vintage bibles to confirm.

Also, the bible never speaks out on abortion.

 @97XZMD6  from Kentucky commented…2yrs2Y

Respectfully, I disagree. I know many Christians that are gay themselves. As someone who was raised in a religious household I am aware that the bible states that it is not up to us to judge others based on a thing that they can not control. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I know for a fact that I cannot control who I wish to have a relationship with. As a person who is straight are you able to control who makes you feel like you are in love? If you or someone you know happened to be a member of the community would it change your perspective?

  @95CSKZJ from Illinois commented…2yrs2Y

So I know what the verse says in the bible because I went to a christian church for a bit. BUT I would like to say that just because you are gay or any type of LGBTQ+ dosen't mean God hates you, because that is the way god created you. God adds diffrent spices in a diffrent order everytime so we aren't all the same. That's way my preacher doesn't over look the gay's that do come to our church. We are all open with each other and under stand that we are all asome.


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