Try the political quiz

2 Replies

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…12mos12MO

Easy: because it's not.

No one who uses another person's body without their consent is innocent; in fact, it is the opposite. Knowingly using another person's body without their consent is evil, and if you think that's okay, then it is you who is against freedom and fundamental human rights.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

I agree, I’m very much on the pro-choice side, though when we do abortions, if the fetus is capable of feeling pain, nullify the effect. After all, the fetus is still dependent on the parent until near-term, which is a couple of weeks before birth. If they’re still dependent, then how can we say that the rest of it MUST happen? They’re still a part of the parent, and still reliant on them. Any abortions done after that point are done because of specific circumstances, and even then how does a two-week period make that much of a difference? If we can’t mandate vaccines,…  Read more

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