Try the political quiz

16 Replies

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…11mos11MO

Show me science that supports your stance smarty

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…11mos11MO

The science of evolution? Open ANY science textbook and you'll have your answers. What exactly are you being taught in your homeschooling, the bible?

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…11mos11MO

Please refer to "Evidence That Demands a Verdict," by Josh McDowell (read it independently of my parents) "The Case For Faith" by investigative journalist and former atheist Lee Strobel, who set out to "prove" evolution but ended up converting when he discovered all the evidence was against him (read it), The Ultimate Proof of Creation, by Dr. Jason Lisle, "Faith and Logic" by the same author, "The Case for Christ," (Lee Strobel), "The Answers Book, vols 1-4," "Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions (Ken Ham). That's where I'm drawing this information from smarty. Read them all. Watched multiple debates. Creationism is logical.

P.S. please provide the evidence for your position and I will gladly talk about it.) :)

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…11mos11MO

If creationism had objective evidence, then why is it not found or supported by any scientific evidence, institution, or curriculum? Why exactly is the only support of creationism biblical or theoretical, if it was supposedly objective? Is all of science, astrophysics, evolutionary biology, etc. just some kind of mass conspiracy made to lie to you..?

Here's a simple, quick read on the basics of evolution:

(I don't know if it'll link on here, so you might have to just copy+paste it)

Or, again: literally ANY science textbook or journal can explain it to you, with evidence. Meanwhile your "evidence" is mythological text, anecdotal experiences/beliefs, and unfalsifiable theoretical what-ifs.

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…11mos11MO

I'll refute the claims of your pdf now. First off, the reasoning that evolution is true because there are variations in dogs turning into wolves, coyotes, etc, is not evidence because it is actually variations within kinds, not bacteria evolving into fully intelligent human beings. It's circular reasoning because the definition of evolution changes between the first and second examples, resulting in an absurdity. Creationists believe in and support the fact that one common DOG ancestor is the father of the wolves, coyotes, and other things, and that one common cat ancestor existe…  Read more

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