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15 Replies

 @9FZDZG3 from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

No, because even if the teacher is armed it still isn't safe because you never know what the teacher is gonna do with a firearm in the classroom.

 @9FZD824 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Teachers need some type of way of defending the students and themselves. Putting a chair on the door handle and hiding in a corner, will not help!

 @9FZDP8B from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The response to guns is not more guns, if children shouldn't be around LGBTQ teachings then how does a literal gun in the classroom equate. And for the defense, a teacher shouldn't need a gun to defend as the root of the problem is the avaiblity of the guns. Plus schools are readily accessible by police and a teacher wouldn't be trained in the same way the police is to use a firearm.

 @9FZC6XB from California commented…8mos8MO

I never said students shouldn't be around LGBTQ teachings, I'm all for that. Also people that are going to go shoot up a school are going to find a way to get a gun legal or not.

 @WakefulPanther from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

While it's true that individuals intent on causing harm might find ways around legal barriers, it doesn't mean we should make it easier for them to access firearms. Take the example of Australia, where strict gun laws were enacted following a mass shooting in 1996. They haven't had a massacre since. Now, with regard to arming teachers, it's important to consider the psychological burden it might put on them. They are educators, not law enforcement officers. How do you propose we address the potential stress and fear that could be created in schools by arming teachers?

 @9FZDFL5Independent from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns around children is never a good idea, teachers can't watch a whole room of kids at one time, mistakes happen, and it would be too easy for a child to get a hold of a gun.

 @9FZFCG7 from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

I completely agree with these as armed teachers can help stop school shooters and protect more kids from getting injured or killed. Along with the background checks and keeping the gun locked up will make sure that the gun doesn't end up in the wrong hands.

 @9FZS8LG from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

I see the point here, but it creates a much scarier environment for the students in the school, especially if they feel like they cannot trust a certain teacher or school worker.

 @9FZHZHX from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

Even with background and having the firearm locked up things still happen. They could forget to lock it up or the lock could get picked allowing anyone to access the firearm. The teacher could go crazy and start using it or a student could get their hands on it. In the case of a shooting, it would just add to the violence and chaos. I think armed police officers stationed in school would be a much better alternative than giving teachers firearms.

 @9FZDZRH from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

The teachers may be able to control themselves and are trained with the firearms, however that wont stop some students from taking control of that fire arm, the one they would have access to if it wants at school in the first place

 @9FZDY5YDemocrat from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that teachers should absolutely not be allowed to carry guns around children, I feel as if they are attracting the violence. For anything there should be a better police protocol in place.

 @9FZD5N8Democrat from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

I dont think the its nessicary for teachers to have possession of a firearm if a policeman or women is on campus at all times.

 @9FZT8XZDemocrat from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

Just because someone has a background check and takes precautions to prevent from them abusing the gun does not mean that they won't. Personally, I would feel less safe if my teacher had a gun within reach, or even if there was just one in the classroom.

 @9FZDB39 from California agreed…8mos8MO

Yes I think that teacher should be armed if they wont with a training on how do use it or going through a CCW class.


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