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10 Replies

 @9G8N2LNDemocrat from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

Assault weapons are very dangerous and should not be accessible to normal, everyday citizens. People have the right to guns, but should not have the right to very dangerous weapons such as these.

 @9G8N7VJ from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

Assault weapons should be banned from civilian use. Restrictions are not enough. Too many people have died in mass shooting because of these particular weapons.
Children in schools have to practice active shooter lock down drills, police presence has increased on campuses as well.
Our children have the right to go to school without worrying about a mass shooting.

 @9G8N73JRepublican  from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Assault weapons were made for self defense but have been abused. I do agree that there should be stricter regulations on how people attain them and background checks are necessary, but I feel that people like teachers, should be allowed to attain a gun due to the fact that there has recently been school shootings and since millions of parents are putting their children's life in the hands of staff members of a school. I feel that school staff should rightfully be allowed to possess a gun for the safety of the children. It is not fair that we should not be allowed to own a gun because someone shot an innocent person who had no weapon to defend themselves with.

 @9G8TJTH from West Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

I don't think it matters how cool something is. It matters on how it is used and its purpose. Guns are MADE to kill so people are going to kill. I think even very strict regulations wouldn't stop deaths by gun shootings. Anyone can have a mental breakdown and have an episode.

 @9G8TKZDProgressive disagreed…8mos8MO

I agree with the last part of your statement, however in what world is having access to weapons of war similar to those found in purple Fortnite chests "cool AF"? Tell that to the thousands of people every year who lose family and friends every year. Tell that to the victims of Sandy Hook. I believe that it's important to analyze the context and actual meanings of all of the amendments to the constitution. When the constitution was originally penned, it's clear that the founding fathers wished to provide a legal way for citizens to overthrow the government in the case of…  Read more

 @9G8NFYF from West Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

well i also feel they should have safety regulation and background check. and and people younger then 18 should not be able to carry a gun

 @9G8Q3J2 from Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

I agree with what this person said, assault weapons are made to kill, kill for a GOOD purpose. Killing the innocence's is not a good purpose, unlike killing someone or something trying to cause harm to your family, that's what assault weapons are made for, killing for a good purpose. Not everyone wielding an assault weapon has good intentions though, so background checks, mental health checks, etc. are very important especially in this day of age.

 @9G8N8X7 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Although i agree with your point that there should be stricter regulations on how easily people may attain them, like background checks, mental health checks, safety courses and training, no should be allowed to obtain a gun just because they think it is school. Gun are a seriously dangerous weapon that can take a life in an instant therefore a serious weapon needs to be in the hands of a serious person who has gone thorugh a background check, mental health check, and so many other regulations to ensure that they will not use the gun for harm.

 @9G8MW8V from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

If the whole point of assault weapons are to kill, they should not be allowed. There are plenty of other guns to use for protection and hunting, nobody should own a gun that is for killing people (or designed to kill and not be a hunter).

 @9G8MTV4from Guam disagreed…8mos8MO

They are a constitutional right, but they should not be, and take lives, and we should let the police have them, not public citizens.


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