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Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?


 @9G9P9CX  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

IT is racist to tell any human that the color of their skin makes them less than able to achieve. Obama, our 1st Black president shows them they can achieve anything. Read some Thomas Sowell.
Make the schools about teaching math, english, reading, writing. STOP with the propoganda. Look at the stats yourself how far this country has fallen in simple #'s of ability to do those things.
Read some Thomas Sowell

 @9GBW3GXProgressive from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Critical Race Theory is not some sort of way to tell people of color that they are less; this is a strawman. CRT is the teaching of history without ignoring the parts of it that have to do with racism. A couple of examples of CRT would be teaching about the Civil Rights movement, the Slave trade in the 1700s, and the real reason for the Civil War. We are severely lacking in this sort of education, so much so that there are students who don't even know who Rosa Parks is.

 @Ind3pendentSnailRepublicanfrom Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

CRT examines the intersection of law, race, and power, exploring how racial inequalities are embedded in legal systems and societal structures. The Civil Rights movement, the Slave trade, and the Civil War are typically taught in most American history classes. The key is to ensure that these topics are taught in a balanced manner that fosters understanding and empathy, rather than dividing students along racial lines.

Your point about students not knowing who Rosa Parks is, could be a reflection of the need for improvement in the current history curriculum, rather than an argument for CRT in K-12 education.