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Should “gender identity” be added to anti-discrimination laws?

Yes, and the government should do more to protect minorities from discrimination

 @9GNCQKW agreed…7mos7MO

Simply from public exposure that I've seen from my brother's girlfriend who happens to be trans has been disgusting to see, with people simply not being able to both comprehend and accept the idea of people expressing who they truly are.

 @Porge0Republican from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

No, it is more disgusting that someone can support a person who doesn't even accept something as basic and set-in-stone as their own sex. If that person cannot even accept who they really are, they should not be surprised that others don't accept THEM.

 @9KSPT95 from North Carolina disagreed…3mos3MO

We do accept ourselves, which is why we need certain medicines and therapy so we can be happy and not think that we would be better off dead because of people like you