Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9HDTYSVRepublican from Connecticut answered…6mos6MO

It is not that important to me because I believe that my culture does not need to be shared with society as long as it is known to me and the rest of the people involved in the culture.

 @9HDTR7GIndependent from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

Anti-Multiculturalism is a brain dead farce that operates on zero logical basis, if you don't want to see someone else's culture then that's too bad, quit being a baby. People should be absolutely free to represent themselves wherever they see fit, after all that is the entire basis of why we separated from Britain in the first place (taxation without representation).

 @9HDTF55 from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

I believe it is one of the most important things. How can we be expected to feel comfortable in a place where were aren't represented or accounted for?