Try the political quiz

29 Replies


How important do you think it is for countries to engage in diplomatic solutions before resorting to military actions?


Irrespective of the circumstances, opting for diplomatic settlement is always superior to engaging in war.

 @9LHW664Peace and Freedom from Utah answered…2mos2MO

VERY! Do everything we can before lives are lost that can't be given back.

 @9LHVVV3Independent from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

 @9LHV594Democrat  from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

Anything it takes to avoid war so I think it is important to use every other option but fighting.


Do you believe responding to violence with violence is a justified or effective way to ensure safety?


Regardless of the situation, choosing a diplomatic resolution is always preferable than participating in warfare. You want to avoid displaying weakness and seeming too aggressive. Some countries only value a powerful and assertive attitude. To get insight into an individual's mindset, it is essential to examine the historical background, cultural influences, and ideological beliefs of their nation. With them they only understand strength!!!

 @9LJ2Y25 from Arizona disagreed…2mos2MO

violence of any sort causes danger to people so responding to it with more just endangers you and others much more.

 @9LHW664Peace and Freedom from Utah answered…2mos2MO

No; I believe that if we try hard enough there isn't a need for violence, but I also understand that I live in a world where we don't have the luxury of being able to "talk through our differences" so even though I don't agree with the violence (knowing it will only lead to War) I accept that it is what is going to happen, an who am I to stop it? What in the world can I possibly do?

 @9LHV594Democrat  from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

My christian morals teaches me to forgive so I can't response to violence with violence


What impact do you think international tensions have on the everyday lives of regular people in countries involved?

 @9LHYKRH from Iowa answered…2mos2MO

 @9LHY3V8 from Georgia answered…2mos2MO


If you had the power to influence global decisions, what approach would you take to resolve conflicts that have the potential to escalate into violence?

 @9LHSYGF from Louisiana commented…2mos2MO

People in office should develop morals and logic, by reading responses like these to improve their efficiency, If America is for the people maybe they should decide based on the people.

 @9LHSVKZGreen from Missouri commented…2mos2MO

I would love to make the environment safer and healthier for us to live in.

 @9LHT4YQDemocratfrom Guam commented…2mos2MO

We have these proactive institutions such as NATO and other forces that have brought together countries to subside these violent acts and create peace between countries with a past. An approach I would take is to help these potential violations that reflect history, and continue with programs such as NATO.

 @TurtleSavannahPatriot from California commented…2mos2MO

Would Iran be speaking as boldly if Biden, Blinken, Schumer and other Dem fools had not been shooting off their mouths the past several weeks, denigrating and criticizing Israel at every turn to goose votes in Michigan and Minnesota? Likely not. With Dem fools like these in charge, no wonder reckless regimes feel emboldened. See: Afghanistan. See: Ukraine.

 @TwoPartyCamelGreen from New York disagreed…2mos2MO

Schumer explicitly said he's not criticizing Israel, but Bibi's leadership of the war. I know it fits your narrative to say the contrary, but it's not the truth.


How would you feel and what would you do if you lived in a region where the threat of an attack was a constant worry?

 @9LHYKRH from Iowa answered…2mos2MO

 @IdealisticZebraVeteran from New Jersey commented…2mos2MO

Just give Israel a reason to knock out Iran….please!!

The fanatical mullahs have been cowards for decades using terrorist orgs (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi) as proxy attackers against Israel. Obama and Biden both recklessly negotiated with this evil empire.

Time to show your true colors, Iran. Let the war games begin!!

 @Shameful1977Unity from South Carolina commented…2mos2MO

That would be great but the problem would be that we would have millions of more refugees flooding to Europe, North America and South America.

 @AgileDirectRepublicanfrom Arizona commented…2mos2MO

The Mullahs have painted themselves into a corner. They act tough, have their proxies do the fighting, and when Israel hits them directly in the mouth they “look at their options”. Now they have to do something or appear weak.

Israel has been conducting a surgical removal of the Iranian military leadership who have been helping the proxies kill Israelis. More than a dozen taken out since October 7. Did Iran somehow falsely believe Israel wouldn’t defend itself?

Dangerous times in the Middle East.

 @Pl4tformJuliaPeace and Freedomfrom Washington agreed…2mos2MO

Indeed, the strike seemed to be as legit as they come.

But assertions and escalations tend to get out of hand very quickly.

  @lemans3427Republican from California commented…2mos2MO

This story is a media plant by Israel / U.S. Intel to take the heat off Netanyahu and the food kitchen killings.

Every time the global tide turns against Israel's war efforts a story like this comes out.

 @AmusedBipartisanRepublican from Oklahoma commented…2mos2MO

The USA has been appeasing Iran and the anti-Semites in the country. It has been feeding the monsters that want to annihilate Israel. Now, the USA says they will stand by Israel. Who believes them? How do Mr. Schumer and other Jews who have been siding with murderers and rapists feel?

 @9LHTLGNRepublican from Alabama commented…2mos2MO

Under a mentally strong and stable president, like Trump, there were no new wars waged and major peace across the globe, but once the instability of the Democrat Party took over two new wars were waged, neither of which should have US involvement, a crap-show of a pull-out of Afghanistan that gave the Taliban back control over the nation, so why would Iran not take the chance to attack their most hated rival, especially when Mohammad tells the Muslims to bring harm to those who disagree with their beliefs (Surah 9:29), making the Iranians and the like think they are in the right.

 @CheerfulRedWhiteBlueLibertarianfrom Florida commented…2mos2MO

Did anyone else notice the lack of MSM headline coverage for the US tanker seized by Iran in international waters last Thursday? Based on deployments, the US Navy must have been everywhere in the gulf except guiding this ship. No questions? How can this be? The pirating of a $20M cargo, crew, and US-owned (not flagged) ship. The gas price for US NE consumers of the Gulf crude has to go up to pay the super-premium insurance.

Here's betting Biden secretly pays the war insurance to keep blue-state oil prices down. No big corp has the funds to pay for .5 ship & cargo insurance cost/trip through the gulf. And Biden can't move any faster to feed the supposedly hungry 'enemy' of all that is Western civilization.


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