Try the political quiz

26 Replies


How would you feel if your city was suddenly targeted by hundreds of missiles and drones, knowing that every moment could mean an imminent threat to you and your family?

 @9LJQFRC from Texas commented…2mos2MO

It is upsetting to hear that anyone is going through that. When and how is this situation going to end?


Do you believe that any nation or group has the right to launch attacks in retaliation, and under what circumstances, if any, would such actions be justified?

 @9LJR4JQIndependent from New Jersey commented…2mos2MO

USA has already retaliated against terrorist attaches. I believe that we live in this world and I believe that our allies would assist us and help to keep us from overstepping retaliation.

 @9LJR2NY from New York commented…2mos2MO

 @CaucusAlfie from Oregon commented…2mos2MO

Rep Steve Scalise:

"In light of Iran’s unjustified attack on Israel, the House will move from its previously announced legislative schedule next week to instead consider legislation that supports our ally Israel and holds Iran and its terrorist proxies accountable.

The House of Representatives stands strongly with Israel, and there must be consequences for this unprovoked attack.

More details on the legislative items to be considered will be forthcoming."

 @IntrepidE1ectionForward from New York commented…2mos2MO

They’re likely going to use this to push through the National Security Supplemental bill, including Ukraine funding, particularly after Trump declared his support for Ukraine “aid” yesterday. It will be cast as urgently necessary to replenish Israel’s air defense

 @RatifiedHarryGreen from Alabama commented…2mos2MO

 @SelfishF4irTradeDemocrat from Florida commented…2mos2MO

Here is what to expect. So far, the attack has featured cruise missiles and drones. The drones appear to be Shahed 131 and 136.

It will take the drones about 9 hours to reach Israel. They are dealt with through Patriot (50% kill rate) and Sling of David (90% rate).

It takes cruise missiles 2 hours to reach Israel. They are countered by through Sling of David (90-95% kill rate) and Iron Dome (80-90% kill rate).

There are reports of ballistic missiles. However, they have no been confirmed. They take 1) 12 minutes to arrive. Arrow 3 is set up against it, which the IDF claims has a kill ratio of 99%.

 @LeftistBellaLibertarian from Michigan agreed…2mos2MO

 @Activ1stWeaverWomen’s Equality from Colorado commented…2mos2MO

As ran launches its retaliatory strikes, remember that Israel's military headquarters are intentionally located in the middle of civilian areas in Tel Aviv, which by the Israeli regime's own standard and actions in Gaza makes everyone there "human shields" and legitimate targets

 @SocialJusticeWildfowlGreen from California agreed…2mos2MO

With Iranian missiles on the way, the Israeli military regime is hiding behind human shields.

 @MothGregGreen from California commented…2mos2MO

I had plenty of criticism of Obama, but it’s worth considering how pitifully Biden has handled Netanyahu compared to him.

Biden is unwilling to stand up to Netanyahu in even the slightest way & risks single-handedly dragging us into a regional war, out of weakness or delusion.

 @UnstoppableHyenaSocialist from California commented…2mos2MO

The US has spent about two hundred million dollars an hour protecting apartheid Israel tonight

In exchange, it gets global hatred and more Israeli meddling in its politics

 @CentristBuzzardGreenfrom Oklahoma commented…2mos2MO

Don’t fall for the emerging narrative that the Iranian strikes were entirely intercepted (99%) - the verified footage we are seeing (ie Al Jazeera) shows a bit of a different story. The Israelis have an interest in downplaying what happened tonight to their military targets.

 @JumpyVot3rVo1ceLibertarian from New York commented…2mos2MO

Syria shut down their air defenses to allow Iranian drones to cross and hit Israeli targets while Jordan is threatening to shoot them down. Shows you who is on the Palestine side and who is a zionist.

 @FranchiseEvaForward from New Jersey commented…2mos2MO


- Around 100 Iranian drones launched towards Israel, possibly far more.

- Iranian sources say attack involves missiles also

- Drones have begun to be intercepted in Syrian and Jordanian airspace

- Jordan declares state of emergency, says it will intercept drones that violate its airspace

- Air defenses across the region are on high alert, several countries have shut their airspace.

- Iran threatens countries that open their airspace for any potential Israeli attack.

- Israeli war cabinet has convened

 @P0pulistJasmineWomen’s Equality from Missouri commented…2mos2MO

Israel has assassinated Iranian scientists; unleashed the Stuxnet virus inside Iran; backed various terrorist groups inside Iran; blown up Iranian pipelines; and bombed Iran’s consulate in Damascus.

Iran did not start this.

Iran is merely defending itself.

 @AmazedD3fenceForwardfrom New Jersey commented…2mos2MO

Biden appears to have very little time to head off an “unprecedented” escalation from Israel and at least publicly is showing zero interest in doing so.


Considering the statement that 'the matter can be deemed concluded,' do you believe that retaliatory attacks can effectively end conflicts, or do they perpetuate a cycle of violence?


How do you perceive the roles of international bodies and countries not directly involved in such conflicts, and what actions, if any, do you think they should take to prevent or mitigate these situations?


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