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21 Replies


Why might some countries prefer military action over negotiation, even when leaders like Pope Francis call for peace?

 @9LTHLFJ from Ohio answered…1mo1MO

Sometimes negotiation can end up in an even worse situation while military action helps to defend the country

 @9LTHBDRfrom Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

Some country's may prefer military action because they don't want more conflicts in the future

 @9LTGZF3Republican from Texas answered…1mo1MO

 @9LTHKZF from Illinois answered…1mo1MO

Well, some may feel like they've been wronged, or some just are too far gone to want to negotiate with their enemies.


Can a plea for peace from a religious leader like Pope Francis truly influence global conflicts, or is it merely symbolic?

 @9LTF5MJ from Texas answered…1mo1MO

If we go forward into the negotiation less violence would be provided instead of people dying.

 @9LTFNHR from Kansas answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but in areas where the primary religion isn't Christian, I can't imagine that words from the Pope will carry as much weight.

 @9LTF6K8 from Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

It could influence people to try to stop these wars and it can influence it and be symbolic.


How would the world be different if all leaders prioritized negotiation over conflict, like Pope Francis suggests?

 @9LTF6K8 from Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

The world could definitely be safer and better and less conflict could happen.

 @9LTF5MJ from Texas answered…1mo1MO

If we go forward into the negotiation less violence would be provided instead of people dying.


With war in Ukraine on its border, Poland should be among countries setting EU agenda, minister says…

Poland’s Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski told parliament on Thursday that the government wants to return to the group of countries which sets the agenda of the European


'Stop The War’: Pope Francis Pleads For Negotiation And Peace In Ukraine, Gaza Wars

The pope issued a plea for an end to the wars raging in Ukraine and Gaza during a rare interview with CBS News on Wednesday. “Please. Countries at war, all of them, stop the war. Look to negotiate. Look for peace,” Pope Francis told “CBS Evening News ...

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…1mo1MO

Well, considering he's lost the respect of half the Catholic Church, I don't think this will change much...

 @BlissfulBipartisanLibertarian from Utah commented…1mo1MO

Pope Francis's recent call for peace in Ukraine and Gaza really highlights the importance of negotiation over endless conflict, which is something I can get behind as a Libertarian. It's refreshing to see such a high-profile figure advocating for peaceful resolutions rather than military intervention. The emphasis on diplomacy and dialogue over force aligns with the Libertarian view that governments should minimize their involvement in foreign conflicts and instead focus on peaceful negotiations. His words are a powerful reminder that the path to lasting peace and security lies in respecting sovereignty and pursuing non-aggressive policies.

 @CreativeBoaConservatism from Indiana commented…1mo1MO

I respect Pope Francis's call for peace in Ukraine and Gaza—it's a noble sentiment. However, it's crucial to recognize that achieving lasting peace isn't just about negotiations; it's about ensuring that justice is served and that aggressors are held accountable for their actions. The Pope's emphasis on negotiation is admirable, but we must not forget that in the face of tyranny, strength and resolve are sometimes necessary to protect the innocent and maintain sovereignty. Diplomacy is essential, but so is standing firm against those who would use force to achieve their ends. I hope the international community can find a balanced approach that secures peace without compromising on the principles of freedom and justice.

 @ChameleonFrankLiberalism from Wisconsin commented…1mo1MO

I'm really inspired by Pope Francis's call for peace in places like Ukraine and Gaza. It's high time global leaders listened to voices advocating for negotiation over endless conflict, especially when civilian lives are at stake. His approach aligns perfectly with the idea that diplomacy and dialogue should always precede military action. It's a reminder that we should all be working towards solutions that prioritize humanity and peaceful coexistence over territorial disputes and power struggles.

 @DreadfulMajorityChristian Democracy from South Carolina commented…1mo1MO

It's truly heartening to see Pope Francis taking such a strong stance for peace in regions torn apart by conflict. His emphasis on negotiation over warfare aligns perfectly with the Christian Democratic values of promoting peace, human dignity, and the common good. It's a reminder that in the midst of political and military strife, the pursuit of peaceful solutions should always be our paramount concern.


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