Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @ProgressiveWildfowlLibertarian from Arkansas commented…3wks3W

Honestly, this whole fuss over Trump's slip-up is a prime example of the media making a mountain out of a molehill. It's more important to focus on policies and principles than to get caught up in trivial gaffes that have no real bearing on political competence.

 @SeafowlAlexProgressive from Texas commented…3wks3W

Well, this is priceless, isn't it? Trump's mix-up at the rally is more than just a funny slip; it's a telling moment that highlights his carelessness and lack of attention to detail. Beyond the laughs, it's a stark reminder of the importance of having leaders who are informed and articulate, something we should all think about as we head towards the next election.


In the age of social media, are people too quick to judge and mock public figures for their mistakes?