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 @9MG4J6T contestada…4 semanas4W

Sí, la falta de bajas por enfermedad pagadas es injusta para los trabajadores y trabajadoras, pero el gobierno federal debería patrocinar este programa en lugar de las empresas

 @97T822Jde Virgin Islands contestada…2 años2Y

No. Debería ser el Estado que pagara u salario maternal a 200 euros x hijo siempre que no trabaje y se dedique a su familia

 @8XSJ7NPde PR contestada…3 años3Y

 @3H2PLRVde Tennessee contestada…4 años4Y

No because salary is the promise of compensation for labor. Anything that is offered to an employee about paid time off should be negotiated up front at the time of employment. If we want equal opportunity, equal pay or any other equality gripe we need to make it all equal. Remove the government and let individuals be accountable and negotiate for it. If there is proven biases between different employees, then allow for intervention.

 @3H2LZL3de Pennsylvania contestada…4 años4Y

No, but they should be required to allow that person to resume their position after the event

 @3H2HJRD de Florida contestada…4 años4Y

With in reason. This new thing of giving men 6 months time off for the birth of a child is ridiculous. He is not going to feed it or do what the mother does. Getting sick of this Nanny State Mentality, Participation Trophies,we are becoming a Nation of Wimps and Whiners. Time to grow up and put on you big boy/girl pants and deal with it!

 @3GZCFP2de Washington contestada…4 años4Y

Companies should do what is best for their employees but not at the expense of other workers and the companies mission. Both men and women should get paid time off, but it should become unpaid after 14 days, but employee may return to work after a 3 month sabbatical following the paid 2 weeks. During that 3 months, the employees should be able to keep their insurance in such is provided or structured into their pay.

 @3GZ48NZde Connecticut contestada…4 años4Y

Yes, lack of paid leave is important to men and women who are working and need the time to help start/help a growing family.

 @3GYZXM9de New Jersey contestada…4 años4Y

Depends on the size of the business. Small businesses could be financially devastated if they are required to do this.

 @3GYXYYVde North Carolina contestada…4 años4Y

Yes, but limit the number of days and apply to the primary care giver only. There are voluntary employee pools for extended leaves that have been or can be created if the paid leave isn't long enough. Lack of common sense, lessening of work ethic, ''political correctness' and greed is contaminating our workforce and corporate leadership. A happy, well compensated worker is a much more loyal and productive worker. It's not an us against them, rather a let's get this done together attitude that will create success for ALL.

 @3GYV7JSde Texas contestada…4 años4Y

No, the government has no place in the free market. Allow companies to compete for employees by offering competing incentives, and encouraging transparency of business practices to consumers.

 @3GYSVP7de Texas contestada…4 años4Y

Sick family member, yes. It is unexpected and uncontrolled in most cases. Birth of a child is a choice. If you can't afford the time off, then don't get pregnant.

 @3GYNF4Nde Illinois contestada…4 años4Y


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